Thursday, November 12, 2009
Heartbroken Family Lost Their Child and Blame Hospital Doctor on Duty
Thanks for the internet, now the incident has reached a widespread awareness at least all the major media has made it clear to all public in Nanjing and other cities.
We can't know the real reason behind the death of the child, maybe it catched some unkown disease that beyond what the doctors can do, but according to what we have heard, many people think the doctors on duty should take some of the responsibilities.
It's said the on duty doctor was playing games that time and declined the 3 time's plea by the family for calling the doctors to check their baby.
Quite curious what this will end to the public.
Keep Waking, Avoid Morning Jam
Some people are so lucky that they could live near their work office, that's nice since you won't have to join the subway crowd or the terrible public bus that will stuck in the road for half hours not moving with you standing there in the middle of the crowd.
Why there is always jam even thought roads are build more and more, broader and boader at the same time. Individual car is so many, that's the problem.
Every family desire of owning a car, but unless they got one, they won't realize the trouble the car also brings, you still get late to work when driving to work, and you are so troubled about how to park your car. You are also been annoyed by the ever increasing oil price once in a while.
So counting on your two foot, keep walking seem to be the best way. (just joke).
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Book Share: China Business Guide 2009

Here in one compact guidebook are an astounding number of facts, figures, overviews, foreign investment reports, analyses & expert reports, maps and data -- all of immense help to those planning to do business in China, travel to China or set up permanently in this dynamic nation.
- In-depth Industry overviews written by experts covering every key sector of the economy with the most up-to-date statistics and charts
- Over 100 destinations, with useful information, maps, economics statistics, industrial parks, major hotels, websites, restaurants, bar, and hospitals
- Historical data to provide context
- Information service providers that can help you set up your business: logistics firms, property agents, headhunters and more
- Invaluable tips on getting along with and impressing Chinese partners
- 2009 preview of China's economy
- A Chinese language guide for a crash course in Mandarin
Book Share: A Year Without "Made in China": One Family's True Life Adventure in the Global Economy

President, Naroff Economic Advisors, Inc.
Chief Economist, Commerce Bank
"Over the past century, Americans' images of China have fluctuated wildly from victim, to heroic fighter, to Communist fanatic. We have loved them and feared them. And now, as Sara Bongiorni shows in vivid personal terms, we are in a new phase where it is a little of both. China has become an economic giant that can step on our toes, but that we must embrace."
—John Maxwell Hamilton, Dean and Hopkins P. Breazeale Foundation Professor Manship School of Mass Communication, Louisiana State University
"When the writer resolves to forgo Chinese imports for one year, she leads her lively family in a fascinating experiment that requires surprising feats of will power and ingenuity. The family's adventure through the maze of modern America's consumer life is both thought provoking and delightful to read. Those little 'Made in China' labels will never seem the same again."
—Mark Fabiani, former White House special counsel and media/political consultant
"Breaking up is indeed hard to do, as Sara Bongiorni proves in this winning memoir of her household's one-year boycott of Chinese products. Equal parts Erma Bombeck and economics, A Year Without 'Made in China' is that lively miracle—a crash course in globalization that is also consummately entertaining."
—Danny Heitman, columnist for The Advocate (Baton Rouge)
"A funny and engaging story about one family's experiment in our global economy. The Bongiorni family does without sneakers, sunglasses, and printer cartridges, but develops a dogged creativity and much needed sense of humor. The myriad moral complexities in the relationship between American consumers and Chinese factory are evident in each shopping trip."
—Pietra Rivoli, PhD, Professor, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University and author, The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Enjoy Self-Made Coffee at Home

There is both voices about drinking coffee, generally, people think it’s not so healthy as Chinese green tea. But coffee got its own magic, its irresistible flavor and smell that will intrigue you right away.
I suggest you bring a coffee maker home and make coffee yourself, since the coffee beans would emit so great scent to bring you good mood. You won’t experience the scent only if you make coffee yourself. It’s a great joy too.
Apart from all those bad talks about coffee, For most of us, the humble cup of coffee is simply a harmless and enjoyable way to kick-start the day or give us an excuse for some time out. No more, no less. However, it is important to remember that different people exhibit different tolerance levels to caffeine—it is, after all, a drug.
So, while a mid-morning cappuccino will give one person a pleasant buzz, it could make another person edgy and irritable. To play it safe, it's best to err on the side of caution. Whatever your choice—espresso or latte—keep a watch on your consumption for the sake of both your short-term and long-term health.
As a typical Chinese girl who not so familiar with the western coffee culture, I got so much to learn about coffee, as to its different style, coffee beans knowledge, and those gadgets for making coffee.
I just started the self-made coffee adventurer a short time ago, for adding some interesting expectations to ordinary life, I think it did the effort, and my family together enjoy the coffee time. It’s not all about drinking coffee, it’s about giving leisure time for yourself, to enjoy life.
I would learn more about the beans now, and find the best area to buy them, some famous beans are not so easy to get, since Chinese are not quite depend on the coffee culture, it’s only been a popular experience among the younger people just like me, those elder ones such as my parents, they are not drinking coffee very often.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Frugal Living Becomes New Trend

As the financial crisis squeezes the real economy, urban white-collar workers speak of shrinking bonuses and frozen wages.
Some are unemployed but just how many is unknown as China has not released that information. Students are facing the worst job prospects since China's economic reform began 30 years ago.
It all comes down to life details and some attitude change. For example, we would buy clothing from c2c website instead of spending much more money in the shopping malls or even make clothing by ourselves if you got the skills.
We could cook more instead of going to restaurants, learning more cooking skills and heathy recipes, which is better in a lot of senses. In such way, you may have more time with your families and enjoy life's simple pleasure, which previously you are too busy to experience.Those big brands like chanel, gucci,LV...Let them skip our eyes and minds for the moment since they are not necessity in life.
The frugal lifestyle seems to be endorsed by authorities too. In a commentary published last week in the People's Daily, the writer said frugality did not conflict with the government's demand-stimulating policies, as it called for reasonable rather than reckless spending. Frugality could also help people spend their limited money on the most needed things.
Work hard, keep the current job, and keep a positive mind too. Even if you are so unlucky to be caught in a undertowm, don't be so down, look at the bright side. Learn more skills during this time, spend more time with your family. It may not be so bad.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Taking Shots is All About Angle and Light

Photography skills takes experiences to command, and it's such a amazing things about taking shot if you really got the skills and photo philosophy.
I was very interested in taking shot recently and want to learn more skills to capture more fun and beauty in life, to record those magic moments in life. The other day when I was wearing my charming evening address to attend a party, I feel a little sorry that I didn't bring my camera to take a picuture of me. When I returned home, I carefully put my dress in a hanger and changed to my casual flip flop. A special day has passed with no trace.
We should keep the habit of taking photos of ourselves when we are young to keep as many good memories as possible. I was often impressed by those skillful men with good photography skills and they have turned the ordinary into magic. The light and the angle is sometimes full of creation and art.
Finally there is some basic tips to follow:
See the light
Charming children, idyllic settings and the wrong lighting add up to lousy pictures. The flash on your camera is your friend - unless it’s not. Washed out faces and redeye are just two of the problems you’ll face in less than optimum light conditions. You can eliminate the redeye problem by taking your pictures outdoors. Avoid shooting in the middle of the day. Mornings or late afternoons make for a much warmer and less shadowy photo. Position yourself so that the light comes from the side. If it’s in their faces, they squint. If it’s behind them, their faces will be in shadow. Indoors, use your windows to your advantage. Even the light on an overcast day will add softness to your photo.
Don’t pose - compose
Forget all that stuff you’ve read about tilted chins and carefully arranged arms and legs. A pose looks exactly like what it is. Let your kid just be a kid and concentrate on the composition of your photo. Avoid framing her in the middle of your shot. Think of the image in your viewfinder as a tic-tac-toe grid and try to position the camera so that the she appears where two of the lines intersect. And always shoot at eye level with your subject. This isn’t aerial photography and shots taken from above will foreshorten your kid’s body and make his head appear larger than life. Get down on your knees or lie on your stomach if you have to.
Watch your background
Sure, you’re intent on capturing the perfect expression, but pay attention to what’s in the background, too. Often without realizing it, we take photos that look like a fence post or tree is growing out of the top of our kid’s head. Make sure you position yourself so that what’s in the background stays where it belongs.
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Music Brand I Loved - Bang Gang

You have found the perfect music to keep you dancing through the long dark night. Dark in vision, yet packed with light and instantly memorable melodies.
The songs exude diamond sharp sadness, paranoia, passion and intensity in a setting of carefully constructed melodies and computerized rhythms.
Bang Gang is his chosen vehicle for projecting his dark musical fantasies, where phantoms and ghosts sing in whispers, surrounded by celestially beautiful melodies.
Sleep (Lyric)
Walking in my sleep at night
And you can´t have meCan´t have eEver
Walking in my sleepSo you can´t have me
Disappeared, goneYou have gone out of my dreams
Walking in my sleepWith my flesh in bed
Still you are thereThink you´ll never let me be
Walking in my sleepSo you can´t have me
Disappeared, goneYou have gone out of my dreams
Walking in my sleepWith my flesh in bed
Still you are thereJust get the fuck out of my dreams
Walking in my sleep at nightAnd you can´t have meCan´t have meEver
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Not Used To Credit Cards, We Tend to Save More Money

To take a deep investigation about this vast diversity, I should say the reason is complicated as you may thought, it's not a easy thing as right or bad, as though I think it's a virtue to save money.
Bank is our best friend, and we have the habit of putting money in the bank even bank don't give any profit of it or would charge us for the money saving, we still wan to save, because we have lots of things to worry about, such as the housing problem, the medical fees, the children's education, all this needs money.
As for me, during this finantial crisis, I go to the supermarkets less and less, and seldom to the big malls for clothing since the price is way out of our reach. So I turn to online shopping, where I bought idear products just by simple click.
Since I live in the big city, so the logistic system is working perfectly well. During the begining, I only bought some cheap daily use items like cushion, small kithcn stuff, clothing. But when I found that the online shop is becoming more professioanl and the products sold by trustworthy sellers is cheap and chic, I begin to buy some large amount items like brand clohing or window curtain for home decoration.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Do You Really Like Living Life Alone at Home

The fast growing of technology seem to make face to face communications between people less, drive people away from each other more often. Every part of the world today is enjoying the comforts provided by technology, by internet. Many young people now used to live life alone at home alone, don't want to enter reality world out here, some of those people even grow the illness called Melancholy symptom.
They feel home is the most cozy place, they could wear comfortable sandals, totally be free. They don't need to care about the appearance at all; just a leisure cotton shirt could just be ok. When feeling tired, just pick up a cushion and have a good rest, the other time, they have computers and online fantastic world.
So I have listed the following possible symptoms that may decide whether you are into this along lifestyle or not.
1, Crazy obsessed with something: obsessed with cartoon characters, popular stars, certain people, certain instance. And such obsessions is suddenly happened and can’t be easily escaped.
2, Rely on computers: A short time without computers or lines would probably kill you!
3, Can’t live without internet: be online all the time, even you have nothing to do, the QQ or MSN is always online for you.
4, Hate schools or work: Sometimes you would feel very reluctant to go to schools or go to workplace, really hate to go there, but have to go since you don’t seem to have any choices.
5, Your rest time is not stable: You actually have a very flexible rest time that don’t have any rules to follow.
6, Repel going out: Compared to going out, you’d rather stay at home. You could take a lot time considering whether to going out for an activity or not.
7, Don't quite fond of make contact with strangers: Communications with strangers in the reality makes you scary and in great panic.
8, Have both sides in your personality: You could try to hide your inner thought in front of the things you don’t like, drift along your life and feel yourself that you have both characters.
9, Love to collect things: Collect one or another, such as stamps or other stuff, and really into this action.
10, Staying alone: Generally, you don’t have any life companion with you except your parents.
11, Fat problems: Not very slim, just to say at least.
12, Often have a pet with you
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Life on The Road Again for 2009

Now comes the time to draw a blueprint for the new year if you don't want to have another repeat year without any aim and expectations. Or use the old sayings: new year resolutions.
As for me, 2009 would be a special year with reasons I don't want to exlore here, and to the detail, I have the flowing nice hopes.
1, Try to raise a pet in the new year. I love the french bull dog, oh, it got a black and white cute face, making you laugh at the sight of it. Since one first need to get yourself raised well to raise a pet, so not a easy thing for me for the moment.
2, Learn to cook more nutritious yet tasty food. We are always busy, busy, and busy, to even forget the basic happyniess in the life is "eating". Eating makes us happy and it's also the most simple thing that we can satisfy ourselves, so feeling happy can be easy if you learned to cook delicious food and share with others. Sometimes going to restarurents is not the best choice.
3, Save money for the home decoration project. My boyfriend and I decided to use our own money to purchase all the home electronics items in the near furture. In this way, we would feel more happy and satisfactory when use those products everyday. Besides, the process of buying those electronics itself is great fun that we both would enjoy very much.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Perfect Pants to Fit Your Leg Shape

If you buy a pant online simply because of others saying it's great and perfectly cutted, then you are greatly wrong. Remember, pants pick legs and body shape.
We all know that the tight straingt pants are in fashion, but ff you are not with a perfect long leg shape, don't ever try the straight pantsm, it may look awkard on you. There are many women wearing the tight pants in the street, but in fact, seldom anyone could wear them well and nice.
The more safe choice would be the Cropped (九分裤),cropped styles (around ankle length or a few inches above) is suitable for most people. The key is to wear a high-heels to go along with it. Otherwise, it may just be another plain pants.
Fabric also is important when it comes to choosing pants that will be flattering. All types of fabrics such as denim, corduroy, velveteen, cotton, knits, and medium weight blends are used for pants. Unless you’ve got a perfect figure it’s wise to avoid fabrics that cling as they will emphasize your faults.
Consider both the design and the texture of fabric when buying pants. Some fabrics can be uncomfortable because they are itchy or bulky. Make sure the pattern is appropriate to your size and shape and as well to the style of the pants.
A proper fit will make your pants attractive and comfortable. They should fit snugly at the waist and then fit smoothly but not overly tight through the hips and thighs. Pants do not fit correctly if they ripple at the waist, wrinkle or bag in the crotch, if the press seam is off center, and if the waistline is pulling either at the back or the front.
Anyway, keep a mind of your own leg size and waist size, and know your style. Comfort is ahead of style if you are asking me what's the priority.
A Necktie Man Who also Enjoys Folding Bike

And folding bike exercese is a kind of casual lifestyles and a new trend in young men in the big cities, who may enjoy the weekend of taking a folding bike to explore the nature wild in the city, to have a better exercise in the outside. Young and cool guys like this cycling sport very much.
So why not the racing bike, but the folding bike ? Acturally, the folding bike I'm talking about is not the kids stuff, it's more professioanl like and suitable for putting into a backpack when you are climibing a mountains. Mountains, that's what a wild exploration should include, so a plain bike would not suit to bring to the mountain area.
But who says an necktie type looking man could not change the style once in a while to enjoy a more casual lifestyle, to wear those soft T-shirt and short pants, try to play the folding bike. Those professiaonl folding bike gadgets are really expensive, but it can bring us a lot of fun and benifits.
It's lightweight, chic designed, and with excellent function. It's novel, so it got market in a society where people all looking for some difference and excitement in life.
Folding bike may also be utilized by those are not living near the subway, and don't have a car, and it may be your best choice to ride to the subway and then folding it when you get there. It's a very recommanded way of transportion in the big cities now.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Travel Far Away to Discover Home
There was no more crowd, no more noses, no more pressure, it's just your free soul and an curious mind and eyes.
Sometimes when you leave places you know and take on experiences unknown, your perspective changes about your own country, your life philosophy and yourself.
China has many such beautiful places similar to the photos showed, for example, Sichuan is famous in china travel. Before or after the earthquake, Sichuan is still beautiful and full of charm to the domestic or foreign travellers. Food is also great in Sichuan, so you can travel and eat greatly at the same time, you know, the most famous chinese food is Sichuan food. Seldom anyone won't like them.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Right Kitchenware to Let You Cook in Style and Happiness

Maybe a collection of wonderful kitchenware would give you great surprise, not just they are functional and save you a lot of trouble, but they are nice and beautifully designed to let you love them at first sight and happy to prepare food with them.
Cooking needs to be both fun and rewarding, especially if you are doing more of it. Whilst kitchen accessories will never make you into a great chef, by having the right equipment, you will give yourself the greatest opportunity of turning a good meal into a great meal, and make cooking that little bit easier and happier in the process.
So try to enjoy the cooking process, it's life. Do it in style. To outfit a brand new kitchen from scratch can be overwhelming. Often, kitchens are overfilled with the newest and priciest gadgets, and nobody in the house capable of using them to their full potential. It is not about how many big price items you can collect, it is about the food you can create with what you have and be perfectly comfortable with. Having the right Kitchenware tools and gadgets will make cooking easier, faster and actually enjoyable. The daily chore that once was, can now be fun.
In morden society, many kitchen gadgets has taken a new leap, both in functions and designs. And there is as many choices as you may imagine. Start from the food, that's the basic point for choosing kitchenware. Not buying something that are not so functional and useful to you, since there is so many choices out there that you may bought something useless.
Great kitchenware collection would take you on an educational and exciting journey into that realm that binds as all: Food. Happy surfing, happy cooking and learn to laugh at your not so perfect dinners. Life is short and so many things around us are too funny to be missed.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Budget Weddings in a Time of Financial Uncertainty

Since young people still have to get married, you have to give a good thought about how to save money and have a budget but still perfect wedding.
It starts from renting a wedding dress. Apparel cost is huge in a wedding. Renting is less expensive than buying. Men have been renting tuxedos for years, why not wedding dress rental for women? This isn't as far fetched as it may sound. In addition to buying a wedding dress, most brides have to contend with preserving and storing the wedding dress. With a wedding dress rental, all the bride has to do is choose the dress, wear it, and return in within the allotted time period. She doesn't even have to worry about the dry cleaning.
With careful planning, costs can be kept under control and a stylish wedding achieved for a fraction of this figure. Here are some more tips.
1. Rings
Ask yourself if you really need to spend thousands on something some people lose or which wears out and becomes unusable.
2. Food
Think about making the food yourself, or at least the puddings and starters. Ask at local catering colleges if they provide a service; you might still get quality but at half the price. Alternatively, ask everyone to bring a dish!
The wedding cake needn’t be expensive either. Think about making it yourself, or go for a simple sponge. A current trend is to serve small individual ‘cup-cakes’, which aren't expensive but still look nice.
3. Photography
If you do go for a professional photographer, ensure youÂ’re certain of the number and type of prints you want and ask yourself how many you really need.
Alternatively, ask a friend who has an interest in photography, but make sure they have a good camera.
4. Honeymoon
Do you really need a villa in the Seychelles with every conceivable luxury? Honeymoons can add thousands to wedding costs. Think of hiring a romantic cottage somewhere in the UK instead. Or take advantage of low-cost flights to a European city and try to negotiate a good hotel deal (especially if you intend to go out of high season).
Alternatively, ask around among friends and family and see if anyone has a second home you could borrow, or at least rent cheaply, in the UK or abroad.
Bargain, bargain, bargain. You can negotiate for everything, from flowers to the band to the venue. Katie says she got a deal on her dress and the bridesmaid dresses by purchasing them from the same shop. Cut back on things that guests won't notice. Carley suggests eliminating a couple of courses from the dinner, limiting the bar by featuring a special cocktail, or only buying flowers that are in season. Don't lose sight of the purpose. The wedding is to celebrate your relationship, so focus on creating a memorable time as opposed to simply a lavish one.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Colorful Outdoor Table Cloth to Promote Your Appetite

First, set up a budget.
The amount you are willing to spend will influence the type of tablecloth you will buy. A higher budget will allow you to purchase an elegant, durable linen tablecloth that looks great for a formal lunch or dinner. A medium-budget tablecloth will usually be more usable, and may come in polyester, which allows for easy cleaning and washing while retaining the look of a pure linen. A low-budget or everyday-use tablecloth such as vinyl, or printed or plain damask is good if you don't want the kids to ruin your glass table. Vinyl tablecloths are however easier to break, they are 100% machine made, and any tear in the vinyl material will only get bigger and bigger so watch out! Polyesters on the other hand are gaining in popularity.
Most fabric tablecloths are designed to wash well, except for lace, which may need to be soaked and washed by hand after use. When choosing a fabric tablecloth, select one that matches the style of your kitchen or dining room in both color and style. A formal dining room should have a formal tablecloth. You can choose a delicate white linen look or you might choose dark, rich colors and patterns. In you want to pick one table cloth for your dining table in the garden, then please take care of its colors to be coodinate with the surroundings.
Remember to pay attention to the size of the tablecloth when you buy it. There are four basic tablecloth shapes: Oblong(Rectangle), Oval, Round and Square. There are also various sizes of these shapes and many tablecloths styles to fit them. Round tablecloths are generally either 60 inch (152.4 cm) or 70 inch (177.8 cm) in diameter. They work well on round tables, but will not fit an oval or square table properly.
A nice table cloth will definitely promote your appetite and at most times, they are a very important decoration in your kithen or outdoor dinning table. Be careful when choosing colors.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Modal Towel - Touch Like Your Second Face

Today I wanna talk about the towels, the important items that we would touch everyday. So a great towel may give a great touch feeling and nice mood. Since towel is also the items that we would frequently replaced for the sake of healthy reasons, so new year would be the best time to buy youself a new Modal towel set.
I'm sure many of you have already heard about MODAL, but a surprising number of people have told me that they do not know what it is. Modal® is a bio-based fiber made by spinning reconstituted cellulose from beech trees. It is about 50% more hygroscopic, or water-absorbent, per unit volume than cotton is. It is designed to dye just like cotton, and is color-fast when washed in warm water.
In general, Model is a super soft, light, silky fabric that is made of 100% cellulose, extracted from the beechwood tree. Not only does the fabric have the benefits of being 100% natural, and therefore exempt from objections involving the synthetic textile industry (well, casting deforestation aside, I suppose...but I have witnessed the effects of a nearby DuPont plant while an undergrad at ain't pretty), but the fabirc has the added quality of wicking away sweat from the body - night/cold sweats are a thing of the past. Additionally, it supposedly stands up to repeated harsh washings and dryings better than other fabrics. There's nothing better than the feeling of climbing into bed on a hot summer night into a cool set of silky sheets that comfortably cling to your body...and they're great for the winter too.