But you don't want to go outside with bare hands; you need to stuff your backpack with the following things at least, in which sleeping bag is the most important one. It will make your day more comfortable and cozy. So wearing your casural sports shoes and bring these stuff with you.
Top 1. Sleeping Bag
Perhaps in a strict way, I can't call it sleeping bag. What I mean is a kind of blanket that enables you to lie down comfortably in the grass without getting your clothing dirty. Sleeping bag generally refers to the more complex blanket that with warm function and more thicker and expensive, mainly used for traveling to some cold places such as mountains area.
Both of those gears can be easily purchased in any professional outdoor gear shop. I got my blanket luckily from a friend who is from china construction bank, and this blanket with fine quality is given to their large customers.
2. A bottle of Cooled Tea
You could prepare it ready at home. Don't waist any money buying drinking stuff outside. Cooled tea is the best in my eyes. They drive away your thirsty feeling well and tastes good and healthy.
3. Ipod for passing your time more cheerfully
So you don't want to miss music if you are a music type of person. Music is the best companion at most times. So bring your Ipod with you or even your laptop.
For other stuff, you can figure out yourself. I had better not stressing too many here to be boring.
Happy outdoor life !
1 comment:
I will take the first floor then. I was looking forward to this weekend.
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