Thursday, November 12, 2009

Heartbroken Family Lost Their Child and Blame Hospital Doctor on Duty

Some hopeless family has posted this on net: November 5, 2009 afternoon, a tragedy happened in a Children’s hospital, but we the common people will not see it in today’s newspapers or from major media. It’s not that we didn’t ask for help, but there was no one helping us. Posting this in hope of friends in the society can support us, to make people responsible at the hospital step up, to make the major media step up including our beloved 110 (police) also step up.

Thanks for the internet, now the incident has reached a widespread awareness at least all the major media has made it clear to all public in Nanjing and other cities.

We can't know the real reason behind the death of the child, maybe it catched some unkown disease that beyond what the doctors can do, but according to what we have heard, many people think the doctors on duty should take some of the responsibilities.

It's said the on duty doctor was playing games that time and declined the 3 time's plea by the family for calling the doctors to check their baby.

Quite curious what this will end to the public.